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Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Mumbai Hearing sechduled on Dt. 14th, September, 2023 of Pune region at Collector Office Hall, Pune have been postponed and next Date, of hearing, Location and Timing will be informed accordingly later


Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights

(Government Of Maharashtra)

Roles & Responsibilities of Duty holder in DCPU

A. Protection Officer (Institutional Care)

Under the supervision of the DCPO , the Protection Officer (Institutional Care) shall ensure effective implementation of child protection protection at the district and local levels. He / She shall be responsible for ensuring effective institutional/residential care services at the district level for all children in need of care and protection. Every district shall have a minimum of one Protection Officer, and maximum of three Protection Officers (Institutional Care) on the basis of the number of blocks, geographical spread and case load of the district. In case the child welfare Committee has a heavy case load, the State Government can appoint one full time Protection Officer to the Committee. The specific roles and responsibilities of a Protection Officer to the Committee. The specific roles and responsibilities of a Protection Officer (Institutional Care) shall include:

      1. Identify families and children at risk to prevent destitution of children and arrange/provide them necessary support services like counselling, access to health care, education, vocational skills etc., with the support of the outreach worker working under him/her;
      2. Carry out a Situational analysis if children in difficult circumstances, collect and compile data in different dimensions of the child protection problems in terms of number of children requiring support, number of children in institutions and the kind of services they need;
      3. Carry out a resource mapping exercise and develop a district child protection plan and resource directory of child related services at the district level on the basis of data collected;
      4. Ensure setting up and management of the child tracking system of all institutional care program including open shelters in the district;
      5. Support CWC in the process of inquiry and restoration of children;
      6. Ensure registration of all child care organizations/institutions/agencies housing children under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015;
      7. Supervision and monitoring of all child care organizations/institutions/agencies both Govt. & NGO run (with or without support), housing children and ensure implementation if minimum standards of care;
      8. Supervision and monitoring of other child welfare and protection programs being implemented at district level;
      9. Identify training need and arrange for training and capacity building of personnel (both Governmental and Non-Governmental) involved in institutional care at district level in coordination with State Child Protection Society;
      10. Ensuring that documents of each child like Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, School going Certificate, Vaccination Certificates, Health Check-up cards, etc.; of all the children are made available by the CCI.
      11. Ensure that Registration Certificates of CCIs under Juvenile Justice(Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015, are verified and updated timely and to carry out registration of new CCIs as per standards of care laid down in Juvenile Justice Act/Rules.
      12. Ensure NGOs running CCIs must be registered on Darpan portal maintained by the NITI Aayog and follow all government stipulations including Foreign Contribution Regulation Act(FCRA) compliances.
      13. Ensure background verification of all NGO run CCI (Funded and Non-Funded) staff to ensure their credentials.
      14. Prepare and submit a monthly assessment of CCIs in the districts report to the DCPO.
      15. Any other task assigned by the DCPO for attaining the objectives of the Mission.

B. Protection Officer (Non-Institutional Care)

Under the supervision of the DCPO, the Protection Officer (Non-Institutional Care) shall ensure effective implementation of the non-institutional components of Mission Vatsalya relating to Sponsorship, Foster Care, adoption, After Care and cradle baby scheme. Every district shall have a maximum of three Protection Officer(Non-Institutional Care) shall include:-

      1.  Identify families and children at risk to prevent destitution of children and arrange/provide them necessary support for non-institutional care, where required;
      2.  Support District Magistrate in identify adoptable children from the district and preparing a district-level database of adoptable children;
      3. Promote and facilitate adoption in the district with the help of SAA by;
        1. Registering and maintaining database of adoptable children and PAPs for in-country adoption;
        2. Promoting in-country adoption within district;
        3. Monitor adoption placement and ensure that SAAs provide post placement support and follow-up.
      4. Ensure that all adoptable children in all Child Care Institutions (CCIs) are brought into the adoption system;
      5. Carry out family based non-institutional care through Foster Care, Sponsorship and After Care programs;
      6. Carry out resource mapping and contribute in development of a District Child Protection Plan and a resource directory of child related services for non institutional care at the district level on the basis of data collected;
      7. Function as the Nodal Officer for the uploading details of the Children on Vatsalya portal in the district;
      8. Support CWC in the process of inquiry and restoration of children;
      9. Supervise and monitor all child care institutions including SAAS in the district;
      10. Coordinate with SARA and SCPS for training and building capacities of all personnel (Government and Non-government) involved in non-institutional service to children; and
      11. Submit quarterly report to SARA on status of adoption program in the district;
      12. Any other task assigned by the DCPO for attaining the objectives of the Mission.

C. Legal-cum-Probation Officer

The Legal-cum-Probation Officer shall function under the supervision of the DCPO. He/she shall coordinate and supervise all the programs and activities relating to Children in Conflict with law. He/she would provide support to JJB and CWC at district levels. Every district shall have a minimum of one Legal-cum Probation Officer, and maximum of three Legal-cum-Probation Officers on the basis of number of blocks, geographical spread and case load of the district. Probation Officers appointed under the Probation of Offenders Act, where available may also function as Legal-cum-Probation Officers. In case the Juvenile Justice Board has a heavy caseload, the State Government can appoint one full time Legal-cum-Probation Officer to the Board. The specific roles and responsibilities would include:

    1.  Collect and compile data on dimensions of the juvenile delinquency in the district.
    2. Attend proceedings of the JJB regularly.
    3. Support JJB in conducting inquiries.
    4. Prepare and submit social investigation reports.
    5. Maintain case files and other registers.
    6. Escort CCL to a home/fit person/fit institution from the JJB.
    7. Undertake follow up visits of CCL released under supervision and after release.
    8. Establish linkages with voluntary sector for facilitating rehabilitation and social reintegration of CCL.
    9. Any other task assigned by the DCPO for attaining the objectives of the Mission.

The Legal-cum-Probation Officer should have a legal background and a good understanding of child rights and protection issues. He/she would be responsible for providing free legal aid services to children/CCL. He/she shall also provide necessary support to the CWC and JJB in the legal matters relating to all children coming under the purview of the Juvenile Justice Act as and when required.

D. Counsellor

Each Child Protection Unit at District level shall have a counselor for providing counseling services to children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection as well as their parents and families. The counselor shall also work with the CWC and JJB at district level as and when required. Counselor at the DCPU will be responsible for supervising counselors in the institutions and also for providing counseling support to children and families coming in contact with the DCPU.

E. Social Worker

Each Child Protection Unit shall have two Social Workers (at least one woman) who would be responsible for coordinating field level activities in their respective cluster of sub-divisions as assigned by the DCPO. These Social Workers shall be assisted by the Outreach Workers for carrying out field level interventions.

F. Data Analyst

Each Child Protection Unit at District level shall have one Data Analyst for interpreting data, analyzing results using statistical techniques. He/she has to develop and implement data analysis, data collection systems and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality. Data Analyst has to acquire data from primary or secondary data sources and maintain data base of district in DCPU. Data Analyst has to work with DCPO to outline the specific data needs for each district and prepare district action plan under Mission.

G. Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator

Each Child Protection Unit at District level shall have an Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator (ADEO) for entering and maintaining data of DCPU within time limits. Every ADEO has to ensure compiling, verifying accuracy and sorting information to prepare source data for computer entry and reviewing data for deficiencies or errors; correcting any incompatibilities and checking output. ADEO has to apply data program techniques and procedures to generate reports, store completed work in designated locations and perform backup operations, scan documents and print files, when needed, keep information confidential.

H. Accountant

Each Child Protection Unit at District level shall have an Accountant for maintaining the Accounts at District level of all the structures under Mission including DCPU, CWC and JJB.

I. Outreach Worker

Each Child Protection Unit at district level shall have two Outreach Workers reporting to Protection Officers and Legal-cum-Probation Officer. Each Outreach Worker shall assist their respective Officer in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. The number of Outreach Workers can be increased up to a maximum of five (05) on the basis of number of blocks, geographical spread, population of the district and case load.

They shall work as a link between the community and the District Child Protection Unit and shall be responsible for identifying families and children at risk and offer necessary support services. The Outreach Workers shall also be responsible for developing good networking and linkages with the Anganwadi workers and members of panchayat/local bodies at community/block levels. They should also encourage volunteerism amongst the local youth and involve them in the child protection program at block and community levels.